- Scheduled within two (2) business days of delivery to N2I of all required assets (i.e. creatives, custom data, account access, etc).
- If attribution is required, then the line item will be scheduled within three (3) business days of N2I’s receipt of all required assets (GTM placement, UTM/GA access, Conversion mapping, Call Tracking, etc.).
- If an order has 10+ line items, add one (1) business day.
- Please note that the campaign will go live after required third-party creative/copy auditing has been completed (e.g. programmatic exchange completed within 48 hours from submission/scheduling, Google AdWords review completed within one day of submission/scheduling, most Facebook ads are reviewed within 24 hours sometimes longer., etc.). These are quality control requirements exclusively put in place by the inventory providers.

SLA's and Campaign Workflow
- Reporting Expectations
- Urgents
- Campaign Changes / Optimizations
- Proposal Requests
- Setting Up Facebook Business Manager Access
- Trafficking an Ordered Line Item
- E-Mail Count Request
- Forecast Requests
- Custom Solo Emails
- Attribution Request
- Creative Swap
- Turnaround Times
- Google AdWords Linking
- Granting Google Analytics Access