- Trafficking an Ordered Line Item
- Completed Within 3 Business Days upon Receipt of Required Assets and completed attribution, unless permission is granted to start without attribution.
- If an order has 10+ line items, an update with the estimated set up completion will be given within 2 business days if any line items will start after the submitted start date.
- E-Mail Count Request
- Within 2 Business Days upon Receipt of Valid Targeting Criteria
- If the submitted targeting criteria requires a 3rd party response, it will be completed as soon as possible. Our Client Management team will provide periodic updates.
- Forecast Requests
- Within 2 Business Days upon Receipt of Valid Targeting Criteria
- If the submitted targeting criteria requires a 3rd party response, it will be completed as soon as possible. Our Client Management team will provide periodic updates.
- Custom Solo Emails
- Test deployments will be delivered within 2 business days upon receipt of required assets and completed attribution, unless permission is granted to deploy without attribution.
- If creative edits occur during this process, the turnaround is reset.
- Live deployments will be delivered within 1 business day upon receipt of test approval and completed attribution, unless permission is granted to deploy without attribution.
- If an order has 3+ deployments, an update with the estimated set up completion will be given within 2 business days if any emails will deploy after the submitted dates.
- Attribution Request
- Within 2 Business Days upon receipt of valid submission.
- Creative Swap
- Within 2 Business Days upon receipt of required assets.
- If an order has 10+ creatives, an update with the estimated creative swap completion will be given within 2 business days of the submission.
- Proposal Requests
- Within 3 Business Days upon Receipt of Valid Targeting Criteria
- If the submitted targeting criteria requires a 3rd party response, it will be completed as soon as possible. Our Client Management team will provide periodic updates.
Below is a chart showing an example of 3 business day processing timelines:

***If a problem is found with a request such as missing information or assets, the count-down clock stops and will only resume once all information is received or issues are resolved.***
Example: If an order is received at 4:00 PM PT on Tuesday that order will be treated as if it were received on Wednesday.
Campaign Changes / Optimizations
- Optimization Requests will be trafficked within 2 business days.
- Recommended Optimizations must be approved by the requester unless otherwise stated.
Orders are considered Urgent if they are submitted within 3 business days of the start date. Urgents will be addressed on a first come first serve basis and will be processed as soon as possible. Urgent orders may be subject to approval based on the content and context of the order. If an Urgent order is rejected the submitter will be notified.
Reporting Expectations
A dashboard containing all currently active products will be created within 2 business days of the ticket submission for clients utilizing the N2HIVE. Data will populate as the line items go live as they subject to the above turnaround times.
Ad Hoc Reporting has a 3 business day turnaround. Ad Hoc Reporting requested during a scheduled reporting period will be completed as soon as possible. The 3 day turnaround does not apply during this timeframe. E-mail reporting cannot be requested within 7 business days of the deployment.
“Please note that for orders which qualify for custom view-through revenue reporting, that it cannot be performed without Ntooitive’s Google Tag Manager implementation. If checkout page is served in an iFrame, or if GTM cannot be added to the page for another reason, Ntooitive will not be able to track, nor report, revenue from view-through conversions.”