Product Offering

Product Offering

Display Re-Targeting

Formerly referred to as Exchange Display (Re-Targeting) Ntooitive Display Re-Targeting targets display ads across all accessible display networks on all devices that have been captured by an advertiser’s conversion or Re-Targeting pixel or pixels. This strategy can be as simple as a singular pixel on a page or thousands of conversion and Re-targeting pixels across multiple domains. The complexity is generally determined by the size of the advertiser’s site or product offering and the campaign budget. Reach out to our operations team at with any questions concerning Re-Targeting strategy. For a Re-Targeting campaign to deliver properly users must be collected by the Re-Targeting or conversion pixel by visiting the page or pages that they have been implemented on. The time frame that in needed to collect enough users to run a successful Display Re-Targeting campaign is dependent on the number of unique visitors the page that the conversion or Re-Targeting pixel has been implemented on. Starting a Display Re-Targeting campaign with no or few users collected in a segment can have a negative impact on performance. This can often result in a very high frequency of ads being delivered to a very small group of users. This often results in poor click through rates and conversion metrics. When attempting to launch a Display Re-Targeting campaign work with your Ntooitive campaign manager to understand the number of unique users are in an advertiser’s segment to properly set expectations with your client. The Assets needed to launch a Programmatic Display, Cross Device Campaign are:
  • Click Through URL
  • Creative Assets
  • A correctly placed Re-Targeting or Conversion pixel.
At least on of the following Ad Sizes must be provided. 300×250 728×90 160×600 300×600 300×50 320×50 320×480 480×320 Specialty Sizes and expandable ads are available upon request. Reach out to for more information. The Ntooitive operations staff will use the following adjustments to optimize these line items:
  • Frequency Capping
  • Geo
  • Language
  • Day Parting
  • Inventory Provider
  • Device Type
  • Advertiser Segment (Specific Pixels within a multi pixel set up)
All line items are subject to our standard Turnaround guidelines and Creative Specifications.

Yielding progressive results with
agile methodology

  • Audit Analysis
    and Discovery
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Proposal
    of Strategy
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Onboarding and
    4 weeks onwards
  • Testing and
    Proof of Concept
    1-3 weeks
  • Launch
    Pre-Go Live Test
    2 weeks
  • Analyze and Optimize

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