Ntooitive’s DSP-Agnostic Approach

  • folder Insights
  • watch_later May 15th, 2023

Choosing the Best Demand Side Platform for Your Campaign Needs

Platform-Agnostic Approach:

At Ntooitive, we take a unique approach to selecting demand-side platforms (DSPs) for our clients’ campaigns. Rather than restricting ourselves to a single platform, we employ a platform-agnostic strategy. This means that we use a range of DSPs to ensure that each campaign receives the best possible fit for its requirements.

Tread desk

Informed by Historical Data:

We rely on data to guide our approach, leveraging historical benchmarks and analytics to make informed decisions. By analyzing the results of past campaigns, we can identify the most efficient platform(s) that offer the highest ROI for our clients. Our ultimate goal is to select the most reliable and efficient DSPs that offer the greatest potential for success.

DSP details

Expert Insights for Maximum Impact:

Ntooitive’s team of digital marketing professionals have a wealth of experience in the field and are well-equipped to provide insights and analysis to enhance our platform-agnostic approach. We work closely with our clients to understand their goals and factor in our team’s knowledge of the digital landscape to help maximize the impact of their campaigns.

Our mission is to ensure that our clients get the best fit for their needs, balancing performance and cost efficiency. By employing a platform-agnostic approach and leveraging historical data and expert insights, we strive to achieve the highest possible ROI for our clients.

Yielding progressive results with
agile methodology

  • Audit Analysis
    and Discovery
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Proposal
    of Strategy
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Onboarding and
    4 weeks onwards
  • Testing and
    Proof of Concept
    1-3 weeks
  • Launch
    Pre-Go Live Test
    2 weeks
  • Analyze and Optimize

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