Navigating Apple iOS 14 Privacy Updates

  • folder Insights
  • watch_later February 18th, 2021
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Apple’s upcoming iOS14 update, is bringing some significant changes with regards to its handling of data privacy.

The feature is called “App Tracking Transparency” and asks users’ permission before allowing apps to track user behaviors


Apple’s new User Privacy and Data Use rules will require users to explicitly allow apps like Facebook to track their actions and behaviors. If iPhone and iPad users opt-out of this option, it will potentially limit advertiser’s ability to reach them based on personalized targeting criteria. You can read more on Facebook’s response to the updates, but here’s what we can do to minimize campaign impact on Facebook and Instagram:


1. Verify your Domain: We can still track activity from iOS users who opt-in, but we must first verify the domain through Facebook. The verification process requires the placement of a single line tag; easily implemented by a webmaster.

2. Prioritize Conversion Events: Every domain will be limited to eight conversion events on Facebook. In the event more than eight events are currently tracked, we’ll need to work together to identify and prioritize these conversions moving forward.

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