Make Your Audience Selections

Now we will select the Audience, by either typing in the audience in the input field or utilizing the dropdown menu.

Selecting Audience next to Geography will provide the targeting categories for the audiences you wish to select. Selecting a category will open a list of additional breakdowns. Here, we expand the High Tech category.

By navigating to Internet Activity under High Tech, the options of Music, Social Media, and TV & Movies have been selected and appear on the right side of the screen. Audience Size and available platforms for that group are shown by icons within the Platforms column.

There are no limitations to which target audiences you select. For example, you can make selections across different categories. Here, we expand the Interests category, type in ‘Theater’ and select Theater/Performing Arts. It appears below the previous Internet Activity selections on the Group 1 list.

You can deselect any previous choice by clicking on the red ‘x’ next to its name. You also have the option of creating a separate group by pressing the +Add. After selecting this option, you will repeat the above process to create the additional group.

Yielding progressive results with
agile methodology

  • Audit Analysis
    and Discovery
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Proposal
    of Strategy
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Onboarding and
    4 weeks onwards
  • Testing and
    Proof of Concept
    1-3 weeks
  • Launch
    Pre-Go Live Test
    2 weeks
  • Analyze and Optimize

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