Generate Avail

Avail 1.jpg

Once all tabs are filled in, you will be presented with the selections made on the last screen.

Select Generate Forecast to generate your Avails.

When you are finished making your selections, click on Generate Avail and a processing pop-up will appear. You can either stay on the page and wait for it to process, return to the home screen, or navigate to the Research feature. You will receive a notification in the bottom left when the proposal is ready.

Yielding progressive results with
agile methodology

  • Audit Analysis
    and Discovery
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Proposal
    of Strategy
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Onboarding and
    4 weeks onwards
  • Testing and
    Proof of Concept
    1-3 weeks
  • Launch
    Pre-Go Live Test
    2 weeks
  • Analyze and Optimize

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