Why You Should Consider Adding Bing Ads to Your Search Strategy

  • folder Insights
  • watch_later November 21st, 2018
Bing Ads

For most businesses marketing their business online, it’s a no-brainer to utilize search advertising to boost site traffic, increase sales, and gain in-store visitors. We almost always recommend adding search advertising to your campaigns to extend reach and engage with curious customers. Google, as you could probably expect, owns the majority of the search impression market, but there is still untapped potential to reach millions of existing or potential customers with Bing. There are over 145 million unique searchers on the Bing Network with 6 billion monthly searches.

Closing the Gap

Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system (OS) is integrated into businesses in nearly every vertical. Bing search is seamlessly integrated into their OS with users utilizing the features to navigate their local computer as well as search for web content. Regardless of search engine preference, the fact remains there are users from each side who chose to be access exclusive. Specifically, with Bing searchers, there are staggering numbers up unreached users. Just to highlight a few, there are 72 million Retail, 41 million Business/ Finance, and 27 million Travel searchers not reached on Google. These numbers cement the idea of closing the gap in your search advertising efforts to include the Bing Network.

Features to Reach Your Audience

Advertising with Bing Ads includes feature built into their ads to deliver the best experience between your brand and your customers. For example, Location Targeting helps to increase cost-effectiveness by targeting users located in cities, metro areas, postal codes, DMA’s and set radius. Bing Ads offer Call Extensions to provide a clickable phone number so your customers can get in contact with you with just one tap. Delivering more defined calls-to-action is important to streamline the ad experience. Bing Ads offer Sitelink extensions adding additional links highlighting products, service, or specials so users can easily find what they’re searching for.  These are just a few added features offered with Bing Ads to include app extensions to increase installs, product ads, and location direction links.

An Audience of Valuable Consumers

Every business has their unique audience and customer base, but some demographics overlap every industry. When targeting your audience knowing the household income and age group are just a few demographics to capture that ideal customer. 55% of the Bing Network audience have a household income of $75k or more, 56% are between the ages of 25-54, and 50% have a bachelors degree or higher. These statistics help us better optimize our creative message and targeting to get in front of the right customers at the right time.


Search advertising remains a major player in digital advertising due to the nature of how internet users interact and seek out information. Shifts in the industry have introduced new and innovative media channels to market your business, but search advertising is almost always included in the mix. Although most advertisers and agencies have come to know the share Google owns in the market, there is still unreached potential capable of high results in the Bing Network audiences. We don’t recommend shifting your budgets from one search platform to the next, but rather include Bing Ads to help close the gap with your customer base.

Download our one-sheet on Bing Ads here

Sources: Bing Network Audience-Bing Ads , Bing Search Ads Climb, Market Share Rises – MediaPosts, Bing Ads Industry Insights

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